| 1. | Hydraulic static pile driver , pile driver 武汉华威建筑桩工新技术科研所 |
| 2. | Hydraulic system design of the zyj900 hydraulic static pile driver 900型液压静力压桩机液压系统设计 |
| 3. | Bell rope hand pile driver 人工拉绳式打桩机 |
| 4. | Automatic ram pile driver 自动冲锤打桩机 |
| 5. | Batter leader pile driver 斜导架打桩机 |
| 6. | Impact pile driver 冲唤打桩机 |
| 7. | Louder than a pile driver his burps can be heard from a distance of 30metres 此人嗝声在30米开外都能听得一清二楚,就连打桩机也自愧不如。 |
| 8. | Louder than a pile driver , his burps can be heard from a distance of 30metres 此人嗝声在30米开外都能听得一清二楚,就连打桩机也自愧不如。 |
| 9. | Investigation upon the optimization of the dynamic performance of dzf - 120 portable pile driver used for flood prevention 120型便携式防汛抢险打桩机动力学性能优化研究 |
| 10. | His mind may turn to the stock market or he may become fascinated by the operation of a pile driver on his way to work 他的心思可能转向股票市场,或他在上班途中对打桩机的驾驶操作人了迷感到新奇不已。 |